I am a Senior Scientist at The Wilson Centre, and a Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. My research background is in human development and education with a focus on applied cognitive science. Since 2006, my research program has explored the development and practice of adaptive expertise, using theories and methodologies from the learning sciences and cognitive psychology. Ultimately, my aim is to identify educational implications that support the development of adaptive expertise in health professions education. 

I dabble in many podcasts mostly at Nikki’s recommendation. The one I come back to is The Daily because it explains the history and significance of current news headlines. I find listening helps me seem well informed and articulate. It’s the ultimate shortcut. I had a lot of trouble choosing a favourite book, because I’ve had many over the years. After extreme pressure and under duress I’m going to say ‘In the Skin of a Lion’ by Michael Ondaajte. 

I absolutely refuse to do anything that might involve dangling from extreme heights or being out in the cold any longer than I have to be. In no particular order,  I really enjoy cooking, a good gin martini (extra dry), and spending time with my kids, family and friends.  If a beach is involved, it’s a welcome bonus.

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